Slip-and-Fall Accidents FAQs | Questions about Slip-and-Fall Accidents

If you have sustained an injury on someone else’s property, you might have some important questions in terms of what your next steps should be. It is always best to know your rights before an incident occurs so that you can be well prepared. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding slip-and-fall cases in Ontario:

1. What do I do after a slip-and-fall accident?

The first thing you should do is make sure you are not severely injured and seek medical attention. If you suspect you might have sustained a serious injury, call an ambulance right away or have someone nearby do it for you. Once you have taken care of your medical needs, call a distinguished slip-and-fall lawyer in Toronto to work on your case.

2. Can I make a claim for a slip-and-fall accident in Ontario, Canada?

Yes, you can make a claim for a slip-and-fall accident in Ontario if it can be proven that the property owner or caretakers were negligent in practicing proper safety measures to maintain the property (i.e. failing to salt entryways during winter with slippery conditions afoot).

3. How much does it cost to hire a slip-and-fall injury lawyer in Toronto?

Slip-and-fall injury lawyers in Toronto typically work on a contingency payment basis. This means that you only have to pay them once the case is settled and you have received a payout. The percentage you pay them should be worked out between you and your lawyer.

4. What is occupier’s liability?

Occupier’s liability means that the property owner is responsible for ensuring all safety and accident preventative measures are common practice on their property. Otherwise, they may be legally liable for any slip-and-fall and other injuries that are sustained on their property.

5. What should I do if I have been injured on someone else’s property?

This is a loaded question because it depends on the specific circumstances. If you were injured on someone’s private property like a neighbour, then you may be able to file a slip-and-fall injury claim if you can prove that the accident was directly caused by your neighbour’s total negligence to maintain their property. However, if the accident was your fault, then the case is moot. Private property owners usually have homeowner’s insurance, so be leery if their insurance company ever calls you directly as it is in your best interest to have your lawyer speak with them on your behalf.

If the slip-and-fall accident occurs on a commercial property, like outside of a grocery store, you might be entitled to a slip-and-fall injury settlement as determined by your slip-and-fall accident lawyer in Toronto.

6. What constitutes hazardous conditions on a property?

Hazardous conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: slippery or wet floors, messy aisles in commercial stores, dirty merchandise, loose cords or wires, foreign objects, any objects that can pose a tripping hazard, and loose fixtures in the ceilings.

7. Should I take photographs of the property where I was injured?

Absolutely. Photographs are your visual evidence that the slip-and-fall accident occurred because of dangerous conditions on the property. If you can, try to record a video as well so that you can better demonstrate the circumstances in court.

8. How long do slip-and-fall settlements usually take?

There is no definite answer to this question because the length of time for a slip-and-fall injury settlement amount in Ontario depends upon the circumstances of the case. Your lawyer will first have to investigate the matter and determine whether there is probable cause. Then they will have to contact the insurance companies (both yours and the other party’s) to ensure that they are not trying to nickel-and-dime you. There are a lot of mitigating factors that could affect the length of time it takes to settle a slip-and-fall injury claim.